Category: google

BrightonSEO / Juicer GTM Test 5

BrightonSEO / Juicer GTM Test

It isn’t always possible to implement code onto a clients website, typically simple fixes and implementation can take months, however GTM often makes it possible for us to put JavaScript straight onto a clients website....


Linking to a Google Hangout

One odd and rather annoying thing about Google Hangouts as a simple way to create hold a conference is the lack of a fixed URL, you can invite people you already know, but typically...


Why I am not quitting SEO

The world of SEO seems to be developing a bad reputation,  the spam and blackhat rubbish that doesn’t contribute to a great experience for netizens and “keyword stuffed pages” that don’t quite read as...


Google Plus Numbers? Basically BS

So Google have just released some stats that basically say they have 90 million engaged users … doubling that they had recently,  I won’t go into the numbers much but I would definently read...

Play Nice – FB & Google 0

Play Nice – FB & Google

This post is more of an answer to a Twitter conversation that I don’t think I could answer in 160 words –  “@dergal What is FB’s argument for not providing export? I don’t know. I’m guessing...